outside the box 2:04
"sUPEREDS 196 weekly internet video" for aug. 28 2010 titled "outside of the box" sUPERED the internet video artist/street performer/film editor billed as the 13th most strangest person on de internet promotes a video and exposes his fans to a video made by joseph pelling called "outside the box" the video is a cartoon about how some people can think thoughts with a different system of thinking to create different thought patterns above and beyond the everyday normal thoughts that most people think------- the words used to describe these thought patterns is called thinking outside the box---------the box being the 3 dimensional world we live in ---- example try imagining the 6th dimension or try to smell the color nine------joseph pelling thinks outside the box and puts his thoughts on video for all to enjoy ---smile IIIII11111IIIIIsUPERED 82810sUPERED funnyordie.com/videos/upload?rel=header sUPERED
Submitted by: sUPERED
Keywords: sUPERED sUPEREDS 196 weekly internet video outside the box sUPEREDsUPERED S E X S S sUPEREDSsurrealgongmusic sUPERED body for hire sUPEREDSsurrealgongmusicshow
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